Are you a student looking for someone to supervise your clinical hours or are you a licensed professional who wants to strengthen your current skills?

I bring a range of experience encompassing both student supervision and collaboration with licensed professionals. If you’re looking to enhance your existing therapeutic proficiencies and refine your ability to adeptly evaluate client issues, all in pursuit of delivering the utmost effective treatment, the option of seeking consultation or supervision may be what you need!

Furthermore, consultation can prove particularly invaluable for clinicians confronting challenges such as stagnated progress in treatment, engagement with high-risk clientele, or grappling with burnout from the demands of clinical work and administrative responsibilities.

I also extend the opportunity for post-doctoral clinical supervision, which is tailored for those individuals keen on deepening their understanding of administering evidence-based treatments, spanning a diverse array of mental health matters.

Young psychologist having a consultation and supervision session with Dr. Ashley Allen

Interested in learning more about consultation or supervision services? Schedule a free 15-minute phone call.